
  • Abdi Sastra Gunanegara
  • Putu Yuliawati
  • I Made Agus Kusumadjaja



Platelet parameters, severity, POAG


Introduction & Objectives
Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is a chronic optic neuropathy characterized by slowly
progressive visual function loss. Platelet activation as well as its interaction with vascular
endothelium and plasma components, play an important role in the vascular pathophysiology of
POAG. Platelet aggregation in glaucoma tends to increase. This change has negative impact on small
vessel circulation in the eye, such as branches of short ciliary arteries supplying the optic nerve. In
this study, we will assess the correlation between platelet parameters and the severity of POAG.

This study is an analytical observational study. Data were obtained retrospectively and prospectively
with a cross sectional study approach conducted at Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar. The study sample
was 62 eyes selected consecutively. Data was analyzed using SPSS. Descriptive data presented
numerically or categorically, bivariate analysis using Pearson and Spearman correlation tests and
multivariate analysis using logistic regression.

Results showed that the mean age of the research subjects was 66.71 ± 9.795 years, with the
majority was male (70.6%). Bivariate analysis, showed no significant correlation between platelet
parameters (PLT, PDW, MPV) and the severity of POAG. Multivariate analysis found that age ? 68
years, 9,850 times more likely to develop moderate to severe glaucoma, compared to patients < 68
years old (OR 9,850, 95% CI, p = 0.009).

Platelet parameters showed no significant correlation with the severity of POAG, meanwhile older
age is more at risk of developing moderate to severe POAG.


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How to Cite

Gunanegara, A. S. ., Yuliawati, P. ., & Kusumadjaja, . I. M. A. . (2024). CORRELATION BETWEEN PLATELET PARAMETERS AND THE SEVERITY OF PRIMARY OPEN ANGLE GLAUCOMA. Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, 49(S2).


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