Effect of Vitamin D3 on Caspase-3 Expression of Retinal Ganglion Cell Wistar Rats with N-Methyl-D-Aspartate-induced Model of Glaucoma
Vitamin D3, N-Methyl-D-Aspartate, Retinal Ganglion Cell, Glaucoma, Caspase-3Abstract
Introduction & Objectives
Introduction: Vitamin D is a neuroprotective neurosteroid hormone with antioxidant, antiinflammatory
and anti-ischemic properties that can reduce the entry of intracellular calcium,
thereby reducing cytochrome-c, modulating inflammation, increasing Nitric Oxide production by
suppressing oxidative stress and activating caspase-3 activation. Excitotoxicity due to N-Methyl-DAspartate
causes caspase-3 activation due to increased calcium in cells and describes the
pathogenesis of vascular factor glaucoma due to retinal ganglion cell (RGC) damage in the absence
of an increase in intraocular pressure. RGC damage can be assessed by the expression of caspase-3
which is a proapoptotic agent that acts as the main effector caspase in the mechanism of apoptosis.
Objective: Proving the effect of vitamin D3 on caspase-3 expression of retinal ganglion cells wistar
rats in NMDA-induced glaucoma models.
An experimental study, using post-test only randomized controlled group design, was done on 14
male NMDA-induced glaucoma wistar rats, divided into 2 groups. The treatment group was given
oral vitamin D3 500 IU/kgBW every 24 hours for 10 weeks, while the control group was given
aquadest. Immunohistochemistry was used to measured caspase-3 expression. Mann-Whitney
analized non-parametric difference test (Significant p<0.05).
Caspase-3 expression of retinal ganglion cell was significantly lower (p=0.004) in treatment group
(mean=5,29 ± 0,76) compared to control group (mean=6,71 ± 0,49).
Oral vitamin D3 has an effect on caspase-3 expression of retinal ganglion cells wistar rats in NMDAinduced
glaucoma models. Further research is needed to investigate the protective role of vitamin
D3 on glaucoma patients.
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