Zeta Aisyah Bestari (1) , Fifin L. Rahmi (2) , Maharani Maharani (3) , Denti Puspasari (4)
(1) Resident of Ophthalmology Department, Kariadi General Hospital, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Central Java , Indonesia
(2) Staff of Glaucoma Department, Kariadi General Hospital, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Central Java , Indonesia
(3) Staff of Glaucoma Department, Kariadi General Hospital, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Central Java , Indonesia
(4) Staff of Glaucoma Department, Kariadi General Hospital, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Central Java , Indonesia


Introduction and Objective: Glaucoma can be treated with medicamentose, non invasive surgery, and invasive surgery. This study aims to determine the frequency and type of invasive surgery for primary glaucoma in Dr. Kariadi General Hospital during January 2020 to December 2022.

Methods: This was a descriptive research using secondary data obtained from electronic medical records, consist of gender, age, diagnosis, and type of surgery. The sample were taken with purposive sampling wherein patients meeting the predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria were chosen to be part of the study.

Result: There were total of 395 eyes (395 patients) with primary glaucoma who underwent surgery, consisted of 33% patients with open angle glaucoma (POAG) and 67% patients with angle closure glaucoma (PACG). Most common surgical therapy for POAG was trabeculectomy (37%), followed by combination of trabeculectomy and cataract extraction with intra ocular lens insertion (phacotrabeculectomy) (32%), cataract extraction with intra ocular lens insertion (16%), cyclocryotheraphy (10%), implantation of glaucoma drainage device (4%), and goniosynechialysis (1%). For PACG, most often chosen procedure was combination of trabeculectomy and cataract extraction with intra ocular lens insertion (phacotrabeculectomy) (61%), cataract extraction with intra ocular lens insertion (13%), cyclocryotheraphy (12%), trabeculectomy (11%), combination of cataract extraction with intra ocular lens insertion and goniosynechialysis (2%), and implantation of glaucoma drainage device (1%).

Conclusion : The most common type of surgery for open angle glaucoma was trabeculectomy

and for angle closure glaucoma was combination of trabeculectomy and cataract extraction with intra ocular lens insertion (phacotrabeculectomy)

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Zeta Aisyah Bestari (Primary Contact)
Fifin L. Rahmi
Maharani Maharani
Denti Puspasari
Bestari, Z. A., Rahmi, F. L., Maharani, M., & Puspasari, D. (2024). SURGICAL THERAPY FOR PRIMARY GLAUCOMA IN DR. KARIADI GENERAL HOSPITAL SEMARANG DURING JANUARY 2020 TO DECEMBER 2022. Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, 49(S1), 90-97.

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How to Cite

Bestari, Z. A., Rahmi, F. L., Maharani, M., & Puspasari, D. (2024). SURGICAL THERAPY FOR PRIMARY GLAUCOMA IN DR. KARIADI GENERAL HOSPITAL SEMARANG DURING JANUARY 2020 TO DECEMBER 2022. Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, 49(S1), 90-97.

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