Color Field Test Charts Vs HVFA In Detection Visual Field Defect Chronic Primary Glaucoma

Ivana Tanoko (1) , Winarto Winarto (2) , Trilaksana Nugroho (3) , Riski Prihatningtias (4) , Fifin L Rahmi (5)
(1) , Indonesia
(2) , Indonesia
(3) , Indonesia
(4) , Indonesia
(5) , Indonesia


Introduction: Glaucoma is syndrome consist of glaucomatous optic neuropathy, destruction of retinal nerve fiber layer, and typical visual field defects. Color field test charts (CFTC) is a simple and generous instrument used to detect central and paracentral scotoma in neuro-ophthalmology patient. Diagnostic study will perform in this research to compare visual field defects, detecting in chronic primary glaucoma patient between CFTC and HVFA SITA 10-2 as gold standard.

Methods: Seventy two eyes from 50 patients with chronic primary glaucoma were examined visual acuity, funduscopy, color blindness, HVFA SITA 10-2 and CFTC. The results CFTC and HVFA were read by 2 ophthalmologists, and kappa agreement was done. Analysis was done to get sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), accuracy, positive and negative likelihood ratio (LR).

Result: The sensitivity of CFTC was 87.93%, specificity 85.71%, PPV 96.22%, NPV 63.16%, accuracy 87.5%, positive LR 6.15 and negative LR 0.14 in detecting visual field defect chronic primary glaucoma patient compared to HVFA SITA 10-2. Area Under Curve (AUC) in this research was 0.86 (95% CI 0.751-0.985, p<0.001). Sensitivity, PPV, and accuracy was higher in MD >-12dB compared to <-12dB. There was strong correlation between it in location of defect (Cramer’s correlation; V=0.679, p<0.001), although the large of visual field defect was significantly different between 2 instruments (p<0.05).

Conclusion: Color field test charts is comparable to HVFA SITA 10-2 in detecting visual field defect chronic primary glaucoma moderate and advance stage.

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Ivana Tanoko
Winarto Winarto
Trilaksana Nugroho
Riski Prihatningtias
Fifin L Rahmi
Tanoko, I., Winarto, W., Nugroho, T., Prihatningtias, R., & Rahmi, F. L. (2023). Color Field Test Charts Vs HVFA In Detection Visual Field Defect Chronic Primary Glaucoma. Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, 48(2), 20-27.

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How to Cite

Tanoko, I., Winarto, W., Nugroho, T., Prihatningtias, R., & Rahmi, F. L. (2023). Color Field Test Charts Vs HVFA In Detection Visual Field Defect Chronic Primary Glaucoma. Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, 48(2), 20-27.


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