Correlation Between Axial Length And Melatonin Serum Levels (Mel) In Teenagers With Myopia Oral Presentation - Observational Study - Resident

sefira dwi ramadhany (1) , Fithria Aldy (2) , Aryani Atiyatul Amra (3)
(1) , Indonesia
(2) , Indonesia
(3) , Indonesia



Introduction & Objectives : To determine correlation between axial length and melatonin serum levels (mel) in teenagers with myopia

Methods : This research is an analytic observational with a case control design. A total of 52 subjects with myopia eyes in the study and control group.

Results : The average melatonin level in the case group was 179.67 pg/mL (SD = 146.48 pg/mL) in the control group, the average was 111.56 pg/mL (SD = 48.72 pg/mL). Melatonin levels were highest in the group of subjects with severe myopia with an average of 250.36 pg/mL (SD = 304.89), moderate myopia with an average of 188.93 pg / mL (SD = 131 pg/mL), and the lowest melatonin levels in the emmetropic group with a mean of 111.56 pg/mL (SD = 48.72 pg/mL). Using the Kruskal Wallis test showed that there were differences in melatonin levels based on the degree of myopia (p = 0.278). Melatonin levels differed significantly between emmetropic subjects with mild myopia (p = 0.014), moderate myopia (p = 0.012). However, there was no difference in melatonin levels between subjects with emmetropia and severe myopia (p = 0.338)

Conclusion : There was no significant correlation between melatonin levels and axial length (p = 0.401) and the degree of myopia (p = 0.055)

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sefira dwi ramadhany
Fithria Aldy
Aryani Atiyatul Amra
sefira dwi ramadhany, Fithria Aldy, & Aryani Atiyatul Amra. (2024). Correlation Between Axial Length And Melatonin Serum Levels (Mel) In Teenagers With Myopia: Oral Presentation - Observational Study - Resident. Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, 49(S2).

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How to Cite

sefira dwi ramadhany, Fithria Aldy, & Aryani Atiyatul Amra. (2024). Correlation Between Axial Length And Melatonin Serum Levels (Mel) In Teenagers With Myopia: Oral Presentation - Observational Study - Resident. Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, 49(S2).

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