Mean Platelet Volume As Retinopathy Diabetic Predictive Factor in Peripheral Hospital: Could it be? Oral Presentation - Observational Study - General practitioner
Introduction & Objectives
Several studies conducted that diabetic retinopathy (DR) pathogenesis may be linked to
microcirculation disorders and microvascular damage. Platelets have a significant role in
microcirculation changes that lead to microvascular injury. Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) is used as a
marker to indicate the platelet’s average size and activity. The association between MPV and DR in a
patient’s blood sample has been established. Aim of this study is to evaluate the association of MPV
with DR in our population.
This was a cross-sectional study in Brigjend H. Hasan Hospital within 183 patients which classified
into three groups including: I. DM without DR (n=61), II. DM with Non-proliferative DR (n=61), and
III. DM with proliferative DR (n=61). Data about gender, age and laboratory markers (MVP, HbA1C,
fasting blood glucose) were collected, then analyzed using SPSS.
MPV value was significantly higher in group II and III compared to group I (p<0.001). The MPV
value was also significantly higher in PDR Group compared to NPDR Group (adj. OR 7.91, 95% CI:
3.79-16.5). The FBG value also significantly higher in group II and III compared to group I
(p=0.012). On the other hand, HbA1C value mean was higher in group II and III but not statistically
significant (p=0.052).
This study demonstrated relationship between higher MPV with DR and its severity. Considering
that MPV can be easily measured and suitable as parameter reflective platelet function, DR and its
progressivity can be clinically monitored using this method.
Full text article
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