Outcome treatment in Accomodative Esotropia with High AC/A Ratio: A Case Report Poster Presentation - Case Report - Resident

Agustin virajati negoro (1) , Julita (2)
(1) , Indonesia
(2) , Indonesia

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Agustin virajati negoro
negoro, A. virajati, & Julita. (2024). Outcome treatment in Accomodative Esotropia with High AC/A Ratio: A Case Report: Poster Presentation - Case Report - Resident. Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, 49(S2). https://doi.org/10.35749/e7fm6c21

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How to Cite

negoro, A. virajati, & Julita. (2024). Outcome treatment in Accomodative Esotropia with High AC/A Ratio: A Case Report: Poster Presentation - Case Report - Resident. Ophthalmologica Indonesiana, 49(S2). https://doi.org/10.35749/e7fm6c21
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