Introduction & Objective: Intracranial tumor might show neuroophthalmological manifestations. Early detection and prompt treatment could alter the visual outcome. Ophthalmologists need to be aware of neuroophthalmological features commonly found among patients with intracranial tumor. This study revealed those signs and symptoms.
Methods: Study was done in tertiary referral hospital. Subjects were patients with intracranial tumor attending neuroophthalmology clinic between the specified period. It was a descriptive study using retrospective data of the patient’s initial visit to the clinic. Data was retrieved from the medical record archive and electronic health record.
Results : There were 195 patients, 67.7% of them were women, with average age 43.4 years old. Half the patients arrived within 6 months after eye related symptoms occurred and the referring physicians was equal between ophthalmologists and other specialties. The most frequent symptom and sign were blurred vision and optic nerve head abnormality (atrophy, edema). Hemianopia outnumbered other patterns of visual field disturbance, yet bilateral pattern was difficult to be evaluated as most patients had either one or both eyes blind.
Conclusion : Intracranial tumor was one of the diseases that could show ophthalmic signs and symptoms. Neuroophthalmological manifestations in those cases was related to the extraocular process and the relevant pathway affected by the tumor.
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